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A DICOMDIR file describes a collection of (usually cryptically-named) DICOM medical image files and contains rich metadata for these images. Given the path to a DICOMDIR file, this function parses the file and generates a tree of the metadata.Sample Dicom Files
Online DICOM Viewer, Select Folders / Files and view DICOM files online. It is cloud-based HTML5 Free DICOM Viewer for personel and commercial use. Free, Secure, Fast and Useful.
Syntax:- patient = parseDicomdir(fname);
Arguments:- fname (string): the filename for a DICOMDIR file.
Returns:- patient (cell array of structs): the root of a metadata tree with the following levels of nodes: patient, study, series, image. Each node is a struct, with an 'info' field containing all the metadata as stored in the DICOMDIR file and another field, named for the next deeper level of nodes, that is a cell array of node structs.Dicom Files Viewer
Examples: After calling the function, - metadata for the i-th image in the j-th series in the k-th study for the l-th patient described by this DICOMDIR is patient{l}.study{k}.series{j}.image{i}.info; - metadata for the k-th study for the l-th patient is patient{l}.study{k}.info; - the birth date for the l-th patient is patient{l}.info.PatientBirthDate; - the date of the k-th study for the l-th patient is patient{l}.study{k}.info.StudyDate; - the description of the j-th series in the k-th study for the l-th patient is patient{l}.study{k}.series{j}.info.SeriesDescription; - the relative path from the DICOMDIR file to the actual image file for the i-th image in the j-th series in the k-th study for the l-th patient is patient{l}.study{k}.series{j}.image{i}.info.ReferencedFileID;
Note that this relative path may be formatted using a path separator different from the one used on your system. For example, if the DICOMDIR was generated on a Windows machine but you're on Linux or Mac OS X, strrep(patient{l}.study{k}.series{j}.image{i}.info.ReferencedFileID, ', pathsep)will give you a properly-formatted relative path, which you can then use as an argument to the fullfile() function to create an absolute path.Download Dicom Files
The zip file also includes copySeriesFromDicomdir.m, a script that uses parseDicomdir() to copy all images that belong to series matching a certain regular expression to a chosen destination directory.